DNA Conductance
S. Priyadarshy.
Flexible Analysis Powerhouse
K. Pallavi and S. Priyadarshy. Discusses Axum 7.0, data-analysis and statistical analysis package.
Drug Discoverer
S. Priyadarshy and P. Simakov. Reviews Catalyst 4.7 from Accelrys -an integrated environment for visualizing, testing hypothesis and performing database analyses related to drug discovery.
Chemical Design and Modeling
S. Priyadarshy. Reviews HyperChem – an easy to use, intuitive molecular modeling package.
Fastest Gun
S. Priyadarshy. Reviews A/G BLAST – Apple Computer, Inc. and Genetech’s version of super fast BLAST for nucleotide sequence analysis
HyperChem 6.03
D. Laxmi and S.Priyadarshy. A detailed review of all features of molecular modeling and analysis package.
Pop Quiz
S. Priyadarshy. A review of starQuiz a software for creating quizzes for teaching purpose.
Data Cruncher
K. Pallavi and S. Priyadarshy. Discusses MathCad 2001 professional a mathematical and technical calculations package.
Statistics Teaching Tool
S. Priyadarshy. Reviews Minitab – a statistical software package.
Modeling Chemistry
D. Laxmi and S. Priyadarshy. Discusses HyperChem 6.0- molecular modeling package.
Modeling Suite
S. Priyadarshy. Reviews ICM-Pro – Molecular modeling and bioinformatics package
Simple, powerful modeling
L. Shankar and S. Priyadarshy. Reviews PCMODEL-a simple and easy to use molecular modeling software.
Infrared Spectra Vending Machine
. S. Priyadarshy. TechSight Review. Reviews HaveIT All IR, a package that implemented a revolutionary way to access world’s largest Infrared specta database
The nature of tunnel splitting mediated by stacked aromatics
M. K. Lee, M. J. Shephard, S.M. Risser, S. Priyadarshy, , M. N. Paddon-Row, D. N. Beratan.
Orientational Dynamics of ß-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes
Natalie Balabai, Brian Linton, Adrian Napper, Satyam Priyadarshy, Alexander P. Sukharevsky, and David H. Waldeck.
DNA-mediated electron transfer
Satyam Priyadarshy, Steven M. Risser and David Beratan.
Stabilization of the merocyanine form of photochromic compounds in fluoro alcohols is due to a hydrogen bond
Takayuki Suzuki, Fu-Tyan. Lin, Satyam Priyadarshy and Stephen.G. Weber.
Z. Lin, S. Priyadarshy, A. Bartko and D. H. Waldeck.
Z. Lin, S. Priyadarshy, A. Bartko and D. H. Waldeck.
Secondary structure conformations and long range electronic interactions in oligopeptides
John Wolfgang, Steven M. Risser, Satyam Priyadarshy, and David N Beratan
DNA: Insulator or Wire?
David N Beratan, Satyam Priyadarshy and Steven M. Risser
Theory and practice of electron transfer within protein-protein complexes: Applications to the multidomain binding of Cytochrome c and Cytochrome c peroxidase
Judith M. Nocek, Jian S. Zhou, Sarah DeForest, Satyam Priyadarshy, David N Beratan, Jose N. Onuchic and Brian M. Hoffman
DNA double helix mediated long range electron transfer
Satyam Priyadarshy, Steven M. Risser and David N Beratan
DNA is not a molecular wire: Protein like electron transfer in an extended p-electron system
Satyam Priyadarshy, Steven M. Risser and David N Beratan
Acetylenyl-Linked, Porphyrin-Bridged, Donor-Acceptor Molecules: ATheoretical Analysis of the Molecular First HyperPolarizability in Highly Conjugated Push-Pull Chromophore Structures
Satyam Priyadarshy, M. J. Therien and David N Beratan
Bridge-Mediated Electronic Interactions: Differences between Hamiltonian and Green Function Partitioning in a Non-Orthogonal Basis
Satyam Priyadarshy, Spiros S. Skourtis, Steven M. Risser and David N Beratan
Rotational Relaxation in a 2D Crystal of Soft-Core Diatomic Molecules
Satyam Priyadarshy and Peter Harrowell
Semi empirical MO calculation on Chl-H2O system
S. N. Datta and S. Priyadarshy
Transport of excitation energy in a three dimensional doped molecular crystal
S. Priyadarshy and S. N. Datta
A Generalized Time-Dependent Pseudopotential
S. N. Datta and S. Priyadarshy
A model calculation on the transport of excitation energy in a molecular crystal
S. N. Datta and S. Priyadarshy
Quenching of excitations in an impure molecular crystal, Pramana
S. Priyadarshy and S. N. Datta